Monday, February 22, 2016

The Republic for the United States of America (R.U.S.A.)

The Republic for the United States of America

R.U.S.A.- A provisional (interim) government for the American People running parallel to the UNITED STATES Corporation.

The United States exists today in two forms:

One is the original de jure United States of America Republic that was controlled by the American People until about 1871. The government had very little authority since the power was in the hands of the People. The original Constitution was never removed; it has simply been dormant since about 1871. It is still intact to this day.  The de jure representative American Republic was re-inhabited in an interim capacity in 2010 and is reaching out to the American People to ask them if they want their Republic back.

The other form is the de facto. During the years around 1871 the original representative American Republic was usurped by banking interests and others to create a separate and different government, a corporation (the UNITED STATES Corporation,) that poses and acts as our current government. The UNITED STATES Corporation operates under Corporate/Commercial Law rather than the common law (Constitution)/Private Law. The rewritten UNITED STATES corporate Constitution subverted the original Constitution for the United States of America. In other words, the Constitution was placed UNDER the Corporation as opposed to OVER the government. This explains why our Congressmen and Senators no longer answer to the People, the President can write unlawful Executive Orders and the judiciary can make unconstitutional rulings. They are following corporate laws that completely strip Americans of their God given unalienable rights.

The “cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men” that George Washington warned the American People about ultimately were successful in subverting our representative American Republic. One of the ways they did this was using banking as a weapon against the American People. Foreign banking interests influenced many in our nation and in our government to take control of our monetary system. During and following the 1870’s, these banking interests realized that the Constitutional Republic could not be lawfully destroyed, so they set it aside and moved forward with a new corporate democratic system of government. However, the American People were never informed that their governance had changed from a representative republic to a corporate democracy (oligarchy) controlled by the rich and powerful. The American People have the lawful right and authority to change our system of government but a de jure Congress never asked us to decide or approve this unlawful change in governance. They unlawfully usurped the God given unalienable rights of the American People without our consent. This is in direct violation of our lawform and makes any actions taken under color of law by the UNITED STATES municipal Corporation null and void. They used a de facto legal system and an unlawful practice of implied consent, without full disclosure, to create an unlawful government to force their rule over the American People. The end result was that the Representative American Republic was abandoned.

Both Houses of the interim Congress continue to meet regularly and engage in separate and joint Congressional committees and subcommittees, actively researching and defining procedures, acts, resolutions, bills and findings in an effort to move the interim government forward on behalf of the American People. The Senate continues its work to vet and approve nominations by the President for various Offices. The interim Supreme Court and interim district Courts are conducting training and preparing to hear cases. Members of the President’s Cabinet are likewise conducting their own research to assist in the transition process. Extensive research and work has been put into banking and finance. The treasury and banking system is under development and being reviewed. Start up budgets were proposed and passed by Congress to support the free States and general government during the period of interim governance. In short, in spite of determined opposition, the Republic is moving forward rapidly.

Failure to provide a platform for peaceful transition could plunge America into anarchy and have a potentially devastating impact on the economies of the world.

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