Monday, February 8, 2016


III Percent

The III Percent Mission Statement: Rightful Liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others.
~ Thomas Jefferson

Historians claim that perhaps 3 percent of Colonists took up arms and fought the British. The arms of the Militiaman are the birthright of every American, for use as needed to defend our unalienable Rights. Those who would be our Masters, those who insist upon infringing upon our Liberty are enemies of the republic and of humanity.

The Original III Percenters flag

Duty, Discernment, Principle, Discipline, Honor-

Duty is defined as "a moral or legal obligation or the force of moral obligation."
We are bound by our fidelity to liberty and the Founders Republic, by our oaths to protect and defend those concepts and the American people from any and all tyranny and conspiracy against their God-given, natural and inalienable rights. This is not negotiable. It is not honored in the breach. It is an intimate, almost holy, thing. It is not honored in the breach, nor is it subject to negotiation.

Discernment is "the ability to see and understand people, things, or situations clearly and intelligently."
Without discernment, it is all too easy to fall into stupidity and error, every bit of which is exploited by the enemies of liberty to deceive, discredit and defeat us in our duty.

Honor consists of "a keen sense of ethical conduct and integrity."
The Founders spoke of their "sacred honor." It is honor that binds us to our duty, to our principles, to the discipline required for discernment: to think through things before we act.

Principle is "a comprehensive and fundamental law, doctrine, or assumption; a rule or code of conduct; habitual devotion to right principles."
Our principles trace back to the Founding generation and to the distant past that informed their struggle for true liberty, for a republic of limits on government and backstopped by the rule of law, whether the threat was dictator, demagogue or Collectivist tyrant.

Finally, Discipline is " training that corrects, molds, or perfects the mental faculties or moral character; self-control; a rule or system of rules governing conduct or activity.
Without discipline, duty, discernment, honor and principle are constantly threatened with discredit and defeatism. Discipline is the glue that binds them, and us, all together. Remove any one of these essentials and the Three Percenter who embraces the error MUST fail. Indeed, without any one of them, he or she is no Three Percenter at all. Hold tight to them all, and we can fight and win against any tyranny or combination of tyrannies.


A modern 3% emblem
(Three Percenters websites can be found in the "Friends" section at the bottom of this page.)

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